I wanted to jot down just a few of the special things about you that make me smile.
I love...
- seeing you pop into our bedroom each morning, bright-eyed, carrying your Dora blanket, sippy cup, and at least 3 stuffed animals
- the fact that you love everything pink
- the way you correct me while I'm telling a made-up story
- when you ask for one more hug and kiss at bedtime
- hearing you sing Annie in the car for the thousandth time
- how you make Lukey-boy laugh harder than anyone else
- that dresses are the only form of clothing you'll wear at this point
- the way we cuddle on the couch watching Nemo
- when you pull your chair up next to the counter so you can help me in the kitchen
- your concern for your little brother when he's crying
- when you bring him toys to try and cheer him up
- the quirky way you sit on the coffee table
- that you use the soap dispenser as your microphone
- when you surprise Daddy when he gets home from work
- hearing you talk about being a princess
- your inquisitive nature
- when you randomly tell me you love me
- your belly laugh when Daddy tickles you
- that you got your mama's sweet tooth
- chasing you up and down the sidewalk
- how easily you make new friends
- holding your hand