Sunday, June 14, 2009

meeting the easter bunny

For the past two years, Lily has been incredibly fond of the Easter Bunny. She hasn't always taken to oversized costumes though. One year we took her to meet Bob and Larry (of VeggieTales), and she wouldn't go anywhere near them. She was content to wave from across the store. But for some reason, she LOVES the Easter Bunny and was so excited to see him in Nordstrom after our playdate. She is in Heaven! and Luke doesn't seem to mind it either! 

The past two years we've had Easter brunch with some of our family at a hotel in the area. The hotel has an Easter Bunny at the brunch to hand out candy and greet the children. Both years Lily has stalked the Bunny for the entire meal. The other day when we drove by the hotel, she exclaimed, "Daddy, this is where the Easter Bunny lives!"

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