Saturday, April 28, 2007

Pray for Luke

Some of you may know the Hughes family, Jonathan, Andrea, and their precious little boy Luke. He is a miracle baby! Luke was in the NICU for 94 days and had to undergo 4 surgeries as an infant. Praise God Luke is now one and making progress everyday. Just recently he was diagnosed with Congenital Myasthentic Syndrome. It's a huge blessing that the doctors identified the syndrome, but they must now go to the Mayo clinic to determine which strand it is. Hopefully they will get in sometime in May or June. Please pray that Luke has a strand that can be treated with medication. If you want to find out more details, check out their blog. Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

Oh honey..thanks so, so, so much for posting and bidding prayer our way. We thank God for you/Josh/Lily Pat. We are in the waiting period for the Mayo...we promise to update you asap. To all that read this...thank you in advance for praying for our sweet baby. We covet your prayers, we love you, J/A/Luke